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Uptime monitoring

We monitor your website and API every minute and notify you if your service stops working.

Uptime monitoring

Uptime Monitoring is a crucial tool that ensures your website is consistently available to your users, regardless of the time or day. This feature is designed to perform continuous checks on your website's availability, providing you with real-time updates. If any instance of downtime is detected, you will be alerted immediately. This proactive approach allows you to identify and address issues as soon as they arise, minimizing potential disruption to your online services.

Additionally, our Uptime Monitoring feature offers in-depth analysis that allows you to understand the nature and frequency of your website’s uptime and downtime. This increased visibility can help you improve your website's overall performance and user satisfaction. With our Uptime Monitoring, you can be confident in your website's reliability and performance, ensuring a positive user experience for your visitors.


Error monitoring

Manage all errors and exceptions from your projects in a single cloud-based application.

Catch all errors, including those not handled.
Streply will automatically detect and handle any errors and exceptions, including those that are not handled in your code.
Back to the root cause.
Each error contains all the necessary information, just like in your local environment.
Focus on the most important issues.
Find out when your code has problems and easily see how many users encountered the issue.
Crash reporting.
We will immediately notify you when we detect that your app going down. You will be the first to know, giving you the advantage of time to address the issue promptly.
Error monitoring

Log management

Consolidate all your logs into organized data and easily analyze everything using a user-friendly query builder.

High-speed log search.
Experience lightning-fast log viewing and searching, providing results in seconds instead of minutes.
User-friendly query builder.
Utilize a query builder that is easy to use in order to locate all the information you require.
Background commands.
Effortlessly track and analyze code executed in the background (for example CRON tab). It's simple now.
If you want to be notified when a specific action takes place, you can easily set up an alert.
Log management

Uptime monitoring

Find out if your app stops working before your users do. It's really important!

Every minutes.
We will check your website every minute, that's 1440 checks in a day!
When your app stops working, we create a report to give you all the details about the issue.
We'll let you know right away when your app stops working and when it's running again.
Uptime monitoring

Crash reporting

Streply will notify you promptly if there are any issues with your apps or if your app goes down.

Errors number.
We'll let you know if there are too many errors in a certain time period.
Search criteria.
When you enter Issues or Events, to set a notification when an event occurs that matches the search criteria you entered.
When entering the Issue data, to set a notification when the Issue occurs again.
Crash reporting

CRON monitoring

Cron Monitoring lets you keep track of how and when background jobs work and how well your scheduled tasks are performing in your projects.

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Performance monitoring

Application speed is key, measure how fast your code runs and where the bottlenecks are. Not just the whole application, but also individual fragments.

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