Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of data does Streply collect?

Streply collects information about requests (URL, request type, HTTP code, etc.), server performance (RAM and memory consumption) and information that you yourself decide you want to send (e.g. user ID).

Does the trial period have any limits?

No, you can test all features for 30 days without any charge or obligation.

Can I resign at any time?

Yes, Streply charges your card monthly after the trial period based on the requests used. You can cancel and stop using Streply at any time.

Does Strply collect sensitive data?

No, Streply only collects and analyses data that helps analyse and debug errors.

What is bug tracking?

Bug tracking is the process of keeping track of software bugs or defects found in a software project. It involves identifying, documenting, assigning, and prioritizing bugs so that developers can efficiently fix them. Bug tracking tools are commonly used to manage this process, allowing teams to monitor the status of bugs and collaborate on their resolution.

Is it possible to get real-time logs of system activity?

Yes, thanks to the "Live trail" mode, you can view all logs sent by your application in real time.

Can I be notified when an error or bug is discovered by a user rather than during development?

Of course, thanks to alerts, you can determine what is important to you and what situations you want to be notified about. And Streply will email you when a situation occurs.

What information will I receive when an error or bug occurs?

Streply collects all available data to help you solve the problem. Server and user information, file paths and source, and data come from the request.

Can I access a history of errors or bugs, and how far back does it go?

Yes, Streply keeps a history of logs, and thanks to grouping errors into unique Issues, you can view the exact history of when and in what situation a given error occurred.

Can I receive notifications for errors or bugs in real-time?

Yes, Streply will notify you immediately when the situation defined in the alerts occurs.

Still have questions? Feel free to contact us at

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