
All the latest updates, improvements, and fixes to Streply.

May 07, 2024

New alert: CRON

New alert: CRON

Today, we've launched a new alert, the CRON alert. This will notify you if your CRON job isn't executed within the expected timeframe.

April 30, 2024

Integration with Slack

Integration with Slack

We are excited to announce the release of a new version of the Streply app, now with enhanced Slack integration. This upgraded feature allows you to connect your Slack workspace to our app in just two straightforward steps. Once these steps are complete, Streply will have the capability to send alerts directly to your chosen Slack channels. This will facilitate more streamlined communication and ensure that important alerts are immediately visible to your team. We are confident that this new integration will improve your experience with the Streply app and enhance your team's productivity.
Read more in docs

April 24, 2024

Python SDK!

Python SDK!

We are incredibly excited to share the fantastic news that we have officially released our Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python today! This toolkit has been meticulously crafted, keeping the needs of Python developers at the forefront of our design decisions. The SDK is packed with a plethora of features that streamline the process of integrating with Streply, making it a more simple and efficient experience. We understand the importance of a seamless integration process, and our SDK aims to provide just that, reducing the complexities traditionally associated with such tasks. We are confident that this new toolkit will significantly enhance the development experience for Python professionals. Read more in docs

April 15, 2024

Sharing issues

Sharing issues

The new function allows you to generate a shareable link for a specific issue. This way, individuals who do not have direct access to the project can view the issue details. It's an efficient way to share problem statements and updates with clients, or other team members.

April 01, 2024

New module: Monitors!

New module: Monitors!

We're excited to share that we've launched a new feature today - Monitors. This makes checking your app's availability and uptime much simpler.

March 18, 2024

New welcome screen with checklist

New welcome screen with checklist

We've just deployed a welcome screen with an onboarding checklist for new users. Please let us know what you think 🫡

March 14, 2024

Vue.js and React SDKs

Vue.js and React SDKs

You can now use our SDKs for Vue.js and React!

March 12, 2024

Laravel 11 support

Laravel 11 support

Streply supports Laravel 11! 🕺 💃 🥂 Read more in blog

March 10, 2024

Trace in logs

To improve performance, Streply only sends backtrace for errors by default but from today also you can turn on backtrace for logs. See in docs

March 07, 2024

Errors number alert

Errors number alert

We'll let you know if there are too many errors in a certain time period.

March 06, 2024

First alert after registration

Once you make an account in Streply, the system sets up an alert. This alert finds all errors in all your projects.

March 06, 2024

Number of users in the issue

We've included the count of users who encountered this error on the error card.

March 05, 2024

Alerts page

Alerts page

We've made a page where you can quickly create alerts. You only need one click.

March 03, 2024

Redirect to the last page after bulk action

After you do several actions at once on the issue, Streply will take you back to your previous page. This is handy if you were using filters on the issue page.

March 02, 2024


We welcome all feedback! You can use our Roadmap to report any issues or request new features that are important to you. Go to roadmap

March 01, 2024


Now you can download Streply from NPM or YARN. See in GitHub

February 29, 2024

CRON module - filter by project

We've updated the CRON module. Now, it can show CRON commands for a specific project only.

February 28, 2024

CRON module - last 24 hours

We've updated the CRON module to show views from the past 24 hours.

February 27, 2024

New module: CRON

New module: CRON

In the CRON tab in the Streply app, we will display all commands marked as "CRON command" divided into the selected times. It's an easy way to see which CRON jobs were executed or which jobs failed. If you use one of our official libraries for frameworks (for example Laravel or Symfony), Streply will catch CRON commands automatically, but of course, you can do it manually.

February 24, 2024

New documentation

We've published new, more comprehensive documentation. See documentation

February 16, 2024

User-friendly date format

We've made the date format in logs more user-friendly.

February 15, 2024


Scoping is a helper that will set up the scope for all events or one specific event captured by the Streply SDK. See in docs

February 13, 2024

New periods in logs

We've added new periods in logs: last hours and last 4 hours.

February 12, 2024

Ignore exceptions option

Ignore exceptions option

We've included a PHP SDK option to make ignoring exceptions easier. See in docs

February 11, 2024

Displaying exception name in issues

Now, Streply SDKs can identify and show the names of exceptions in issues.

February 09, 2024

Grouping issues by fingerprint

We've simplified the way we categorize errors into issues. Now, Streply assigns a unique identifier, or fingerprint, to each error and groups them accordingly. This means even if the error messages are different, if they are the same type of error, they will be grouped together in one issue.

February 08, 2024

Issues num in the sidebar

Issues num in the sidebar

We've put a label for open issues in the sidebar. This way, you'll always know when Streply finds a new issue.

February 07, 2024

Sorting date in logs explorer

We've updated the way our logs panel sorts events. Now, all logs will appear in the correct sequence, regardless of the time zones from which requests were sent.

February 05, 2024

Monolog handler

Monolog handler

We've made handling logs in PHP simpler! We're excited to share that you can now use our handler for the Monolog logger in PHP See in docs

February 03, 2024

Manually capturing PHP errors

We've included a new function called Streply->Error() in our PHP SDK. This allows you to send errors to Streply manually.

February 01, 2024

New emails templates

New emails templates

We revamped the look and content of emails sent from Streply.

January 31, 2024

Set exception handler

We've added handled unhandled exceptions in your code in PHP projects.

January 29, 2024

Notifications settings

We've added options to the user profile for changing notification settings, like the daily summary.

January 28, 2024

JavaScript SDK

JavaScript SDK

Exciting news! Starting today, you can now catch errors and manage logs in JavaScript too! See in docs

January 27, 2024

New issues template

New issues template

We're simplifying the issues list template. By removing the sidebar with filters, there's more room for the issues. Filters are now above the issues list.

January 25, 2024

Searching logs by technologies

We're about to launch the Streply SDK for JavaScript and frameworks. You'll then be able to filter logs by the technology that sent the log.

January 12, 2024

Removing auto performance tracking in each request

Starting today, Streply won't automatically send performance requests for everything you send its way. If you want to check how well your code is doing, you'll have to set it up yourself.

January 01, 2024

First changelog!

This is our first entry in the Changelog. This is the place where we will inform about new features, changes, and bug fixes in Streply. Subscribe if you want to know first! :)

We started Streply in April 2022,
but didn't record changes until before January 2024 :)

We are not pushy
We only send a few emails every month. That's all.
No spam
We only send articles, and helpful tips for developers, not SPAM.