We're Streply, a tool that tracks errors and manages logs quickly. It's easy to set up and compatible with many popular frameworks. Made by developers, for developers! If you need to keep an eye on errors and follow logs in your app, create free account.
Every application written in PHP, whether already running or just in the process of being developed, must have well-considered and smoothly functioning Symfony error reporting. Development, the speed of change and consumer feedback depend on this. The more errors and the more difficult it is to identify them, the worse it is for both the application and the business.
Trusting that developers and testers will catch all bugs and bug handling is not necessary for a project is very risky. Not only, it jeopardises the security of the project, but also drastically hinders its development.
The types of errors in Symfony applications are divided into:
- exceptions, which are errors handled by programmers,
- errors, which are those resulting from mistakes in the code,
In addition, error handling in PHP has the ability to define what level of error is important for us to report, the levels available are E_ERROR, E_WARNING, E_PARSE, E_NOTICE.
A well-made Symfony error reporting service in an application should include not only exception processing but also handling unforeseen errors or less important messages (E_NOTICE), which can also affect the functionality of our application.
Along with displaying the error to the user on the screen, provision must be made for situations where the error occurs productionally and error display is disabled or the error occurs in the background (e.g. in a CRON task). It is also crucial that access to errors is provided, even in the event of an application malfunction. This will make it easier to diagnose problems and increase security.
Obviously, we can log all errors to files, as loggers do by default, but is this convenient? A much better solution is to plug in Streply, which not only catches all the errors itself but also sends them to our database. This method is not only fast but also very convenient. Standard error logging, only allows you to view the history of errors, which is very inefficient and difficult when dealing with a large number of logs.
Streply groups the errors that occur in tasks, making it very easy and pleasant to work with. There is no need to go through dozens of logs. Moreover, you will be notified immediately when errors that are important to you occur.
With Streply, you can implement advanced Symfony error reporting in your application in 3 minutes. All you need to do is add 2 functions and Streply takes care of the rest in the background. This will allow developers to focus on advancing the application rather than writing error handlers.
Sound good? Create a free account for 30 days and check it out for yourself.
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