Bugs Logs Uptime Crash reporting Performance

Focus on development. Ship better code, faster.

The all-in-one monitoring app for smart devs.

Cost & time saving.
Optimizing your development team's work can yield benefits and savings for your company.
Easy to migrate.
Implementing Streply in your projects is really easy. It only takes 5 minutes.
Business optimization.
Focus on delivering better projects, and don't waste time on debugging. Your clients will appreciate it.

Error monitoring

Manage all errors and exceptions from your projects in a single cloud-based application.

Catch all errors, including those not handled.
Streply will automatically detect and handle any errors and exceptions, including those that are not handled in your code.
Back to the root cause.
Each error contains all the necessary information, just like in your local environment.
Focus on the most important issues.
Find out when your code has problems and easily see how many users encountered the issue.
Crash reporting.
We will immediately notify you when we detect that your app going down. You will be the first to know, giving you the advantage of time to address the issue promptly.

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Error monitoring

Log management

Consolidate all your logs into organized data and easily analyze everything using a user-friendly query builder.

High-speed log search.
Experience lightning-fast log viewing and searching, providing results in seconds instead of minutes.
User-friendly query builder.
Utilize a query builder that is easy to use in order to locate all the information you require.
Background commands.
Effortlessly track and analyze code executed in the background (for example CRON tab). It's simple now.
If you want to be notified when a specific action takes place, you can easily set up an alert.

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Log management

Uptime monitoring

Find out if your app stops working before your users do. It's really important!

Every minutes.
We will check your website every minute, that's 1440 checks in a day!
When your app stops working, we create a report to give you all the details about the issue.
We'll let you know right away when your app stops working and when it's running again.

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Uptime monitoring

Crash reporting

Streply will notify you promptly if there are any issues with your apps or if your app goes down.

Errors number.
We'll let you know if there are too many errors in a certain time period.
Search criteria.
When you enter Issues or Events, to set a notification when an event occurs that matches the search criteria you entered.
When entering the Issue data, to set a notification when the Issue occurs again.

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Crash reporting

CRON monitoring

Cron Monitoring lets you keep track of how and when background jobs work and how well your scheduled tasks are performing in your projects.

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Performance monitoring

Application speed is key, measure how fast your code runs and where the bottlenecks are. Not just the whole application, but also individual fragments.

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How to install

Getting started is simple

We've got libraries available for all the popular programming languages and frameworks out there. Installing will take just 5 minutes.

Install using composer:

composer require streply/streply-php

Initialize Streply on beginning your code:


Install the streply/streply-laravel package:

composer require streply/streply-laravel

Add the service provider to config/app.php and enable capturing exception in App/Exceptions/Handler.php:

public function register()
    $this->reportable(function (Throwable $e) {
        try {
        } catch(\xception $e) {}

Configure the Streply DSN with this command:

php artisan streply-laravel:publish https://clientPublicKey@api.streply.com/projectId

Install the streply/streply-symfony package:

composer require streply/streply-symfony

Add the bundle to the list of registered bundles in config/bundles.php:

return [
    Streply\StreplyBundle\StreplyBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Add default configuration in config/packages/streply.yaml and add DSN info to .env file:

  dsn: '%env(STREPLY_DSN)%'

The first step is loading the script with SDK:

<script src="https://app.streply.com/js/%token%.min.js"></script>

Catch exceptions:

try {
} catch(err) {

Install the streply/vue package:

npm install --save @streply/vue

Then initialize Streply:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import * as Streply from '@streply/vue';

const app = createApp(App);

Streply.init(app, {
    dsn: 'https://clientPublicKey@api.streply.com/projectId',


Install the streply/vue package:

npm install --save @streply/react

Then initialize Streply:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import * as Streply from '@streply/react';

    dsn: 'https://clientPublicKey@api.streply.com/projectId',

ReactDOM.render(, rootNode);

Install the streply package:

pip install --upgrade streply-sdk

Then initialize Streply:

from streply.streply import streply



Trusted by many dev teams

"I can recommend Streply to any programmer who needs a tool to improve work with errors, quick access to logs, and notification when a problem occurs."

Konrad Miszkurka
Konrad Miszkurka
PHP developer

"Working on many projects, I use Streply to have all bugs and logs in one place. And thanks to notifications, I won't miss any errors. It's really improved my work."

Norbert Bylak
Norbert Bylak
Full-stack Developer
ClawRock BIC Kids SWPS University Ariadna Research Panel Babaco.TV


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Our pricing is very simple. You only pay for what you use. That's it!

Payment frequency


From devs for devs.


  • 5K requests per month
  • 14 days logs retention
  • 1 user
  • 1 project
  • 1 alert
  • 1 monitor


For rapidly growing startups.

$30 /month

$25 /month

Start free trial
  • 100K requests per month
  • 30 days logs retention
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited alerts
  • Unlimited monitors


Most popular

For small teams.

$100 /month

$85 /month

Start free trial
  • 500K requests per month
  • 90 days logs retention
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited alerts
  • Unlimited monitors


For future unicorns.

$200 /month

$170 /month

Start free trial
  • 1M requests per month
  • 180 days logs retention
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited alerts
  • Unlimited monitors

Need more requests? No problem, please feel free to contact us at support@streply.com.


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